SPEAKER: Betsy Coes
DATE: Tuesday, March 4th 2025 "Gardening in a Changing Climate" TIME: General Member Meeting - 9:00am Light Refreshments - 9:30am Program Start Time - 10:00am LOCATION: Macomber Room-2nd floor, New Castle Recreation Center 301 Wentworth Road Program Description: Later fall frosts, earlier planting times, heavier rain events, and longer stretches of drought. Gardeners are front-line witnesses to the climate changes that have been occurring in recent years. This presentation provides a look at the science of climate change, its impact on our daily lives, and offers ideas about how to adapt our planting strategies and habits to reduce our impact on climate change and keep growing the plants we enjoy. |
Speaker Bio:
Experiencing changes in the weather patterns and wildlife activity over the decades has made Betsy Coes keenly aware of climate change and how gardeners of all types can adapt. Betsy is a 2023 Master Gardner from Newfields, NH. She hold a BS in Wildlife Management from UMass and postgraduate study in entomology at UNH. Gardening to encourage and support all types of wildlife- insects, mammals, and birds - is Betsy's passion. This past summer, her personal gardens received Pollinator-Friendly Garden Certification from UNH/UMaine Cooperative Extensions. |
Previously held 2024 & 2025 PROGRAMS
SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 Program
Tuesday September 3, 2024: "Putting Your Gardens to Bed" Speaker - Ron Trexler Location: Macomber Room, New Castle Recreation Center Time: General Member Meeting — 9AM Hospitality — 9:30AM Program — 10AM BIO Ron Trexler has been a UNH Extension MasterGardener since 2016 and has achieved the level of Advanced Master Gardener. He is extensively involved in the training and mentoring of new Master Gardeners, who wish to participate in the Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau, and regularly presents to libraries, garden. clubs, and community organizations. Ron serves in a leadership a leadership role with the Hooksett Garden Club and serves on the Executive Board of the NH Federation of Garden Clubs. He especially enjoys growing vegetables in raised beds that benefit from his home composting system. |
OCTOBER 9, 2024 Program
Wednesday, October 9, 2024: "Painless Pruning: Simple Solutions for Healthy Plants" Speaker - Penelope O'Sullivan Location - New Castle Congregational Church Parish Hall 65 Main Street New Castle, NH Time: General Member Meeting - 4:00PM Light Refreshments - 4:30pm Program Start - 5:00pm BIO Penelope O'Sullivan is an author, designer, and woody plant lover, who turned her suburban property into a mini-arboretum. Her gardening experiences inspired her to write The Homeowner's Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook: The Essential Guide to Choosing, Planting, and Maintaining Perfect Landscape Plants & The Pruning Answer Book: Solutions to Every Problem You'll Ever Face; Answers to Every Question You'll Ever Ask Both of the books above will be available to purchase at the program. She also has written 11 more books on trees, shrubs, hedges, flowers, herbs and garden design. Penny was the editor of the Coastal Home and Coastal Design regional home, garden & lifestyle magazines based in Portsmouth, NH, and a field editor for Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Media. She has written for national magazines including Country Gardens, The American Gardener and Organic Gardening. A former director of the Garden Writers Association and trustee of the Wiggin Memorial Library in Stratham, NH, Penny trained as a master gardener in Delaware and earner a certificate in Ornamental Horticultural at Longwood Gardens in PA. She holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Delaware. |
Pruning trees and shrubs is easy when you understand the basics. Discover how pruning
affects the growth and learn when to prune for effects such as maximum bloom, revealing bark, or turning overgrown shrubs into small trees. |
NOVEMBER 12, 2024 Program
Tuesday, November 12, 2024: "Flower Arrangement Workshop/Make Your Own" Speaker - Margo Pullman Location - New Castle Congregational Church, Parish Hall 65 Main Street, New Castle NH Time: General Meeting - 9:00AM Light Refreshments - 9:30am Workshop Start - 10:00am ***This Program is for Members Only*** Note: For Club members who are interested in doing their own floral arrangement after Margo’s Presentation/Demonstration, please RSVP to Peggy Lamb [email protected] no later than Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024. The cost for the flowers will be $40, and please bring your own vase. Please note: the vase should measure 6-12” tall, and no more than 6” across. Margo will be available to help and advise! Program Description: Margo will demonstrate two Fall themed horizontal arrangements. She will discuss how to use line material for drama, how to determine the scale of floral material and how to add a twist with fruit and vegetables. All designs can be inspiration for your Thanksgiving table and your hands-on arrangement. |
Speaker Bio: Margo earned an Art & Design degree from Iowa State University. She worked professionally as a creative designer and director for giftware companies, national brands and corporations. She later freelanced and created the Pullman Design Company. Her next career encompassed painting and teaching art out of her West Newbury studio. Then along came the MFA Associates Floral Team where she has been involved with the museum’s floral program since 2012. The program’s designers work on the weekly floral arrangements, special events, Art in Bloom and other museum requests. She considers gardening and flower arranging another medium for artistic expression. Her Holiday floral designs and gardens have been featured in Northshore Magazine.
Tuesday September 12, 2023: Soil It's Not Just Dirt!
Speaker - Margery Winters Location: Macomber Room, New Castle Recreation Center Time: Refreshments — 9AM General Meeting — 9:30AM Program — 10AM Note: If you would like to get your soil tested ahead of Margery’s presentation to understand your own garden soil’s composition better and to be able to ask Margery questions about your dirt, just download the form at https://extension.unh.edu/agriculture-gardens/pest-disease-growing-tools/soil-testing-services Cost about $20, turnaround time is about 3 weeks. Rarely discussed by gardeners, soil is, nonetheless, the foundation of a garden. Each tablespoon of healthy soil is alive with millions of creatures, many working to keep your plants healthy. Learn about the different types of soils, the connections between soils and plants, how organic matter makes healthy soil, and why you should care about this intriguing ecosystem. Speaker Bio: Margery Winters is the Assistant Director and instructor at Roaring Brook Nature Center in Canton CT where she is delighted to be able to share her passion for earth science and nature with students of all ages. She manages the Nature Center’s native plant gardens and is an advocate for the role of natives in our designed landscapes. She is a Master Landscape Design Consultant. Margery serves as on several land use boards in Simsbury. She is chairman of their Inland Wetland / Conservation Commission, a member the Open Space Committee, and currently serves as president of the Simsbury Land Trust. |
Tuesday October 3,2023 -
Design Tips for Traffic-Stopping Curb Appeal Speaker - Kerry Mendez Location: New Castle Congregational Church Parish Hall Time: General Meeting — 4PM Refreshments — 4:30PM Program — 5PM This eye-opening presentation will cover easy-to-implement design steps for enhancing your home’s curb appeal. Included will be top-performing perennials, annuals, flowering shrubs, evergreens & ornamental trees for head-turning foundation beds. Speaker Bio: Kerry Ann Mendez is an award-winning garden educator, author, design consultant, and proprietor of Perennially Yours based in southern Maine. As an exceptionally popular educator and communicator, she has presented hundreds of lectures to thousands of gardeners in 23 states. In 2014, she received the Gold Medal award from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society for “Exceptional teaching and writing that increases public enjoyment and appreciation of horticulture.” Kerry Ann has written four gardening books, the most recent being The Budget Wise Gardener and The Right-Size Flower Garden. Her e-newsletters go out to over 10,000 subscribers throughout the United States. In 2016, Kerry Ann started producing international gardening Webinars that have been enjoyed by thousands. In addition to local design consultations, she also offers virtual design services to those in hardiness Zones 3 – 7. To learn more about Kerry Ann, please visit her web site www.pyours.com |
Wednesday November 15, 2023 — Finding Floral Inspiration
Speaker - Margo Pullman Location: New Castle Congregational Church Parish Hall Time: Refreshments — 3PM General Meeting — 3:30PM Program — 4PM ***This Program is for Members Only*** Note: For Club members who are interested in doing their own floral arrangement after Margo’s Presentation/Demonstration, please RSVP to Peggy Lamb [email protected] no later than Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023. Please note: the vase should measure 6-12” tall, and no more than 6” across. Margo will be available to help and advise! Margo Pullman is an artist and gardener who was able to combine her two passions when she became a floral designer for the MFA Boston. She considers flower arranging another way for creative expression. She will give a presentation on varied inspirations for flower designs followed by a floral demonstration – and then you’ll have an opportunity to make your own arrangements! (see above). Speaker Bio: Margo earned an Art & Design degree from Iowa State University. She worked professionally as a creative designer and director for giftware companies, national brands and corporations. She later freelanced and created the Pullman Design Company. Her next career encompassed painting and teaching art out of her West Newbury studio. Then along came the MFA Associates Floral Team where she has been involved with the museum’s floral program since 2012. The program’s designers work on the weekly floral arrangements, special events, Art in Bloom and other museum requests. She considers gardening and flower arranging another medium for artistic expression. Her Holiday floral designs and gardens have been featured in Northshore Magazine |
January 9, 2024 -- Orchids All Around Us
Snow date: Jan 10 Speaker - Jean Stefanik Location: Macomber Room, New Castle Recreation Center Time: Refreshments - 9AM General Meeting - 9:30AM Program - 10AM "Orchids All Around Us" includes discussion of native orchids, some of which can be seen in the wild and a few that can be cultivated in home gardens. Learn about the main groups of tropical orchid groups, commonly seen for sale and grown indoors. Learn what to look for when purchasing orchids. Ask questions during the culture demonstration including repotting - please bring in your personal orchids – and your questions about their care - and they will be included in the discussion of do's and don'ts. Speaker Bio: Jean is an Educator and Naturalist, whose passion is for species orchids, and the habitats to which they have adapted throughout the world. She enjoys traveling, photographing orchids and other plants and animals in nature, and becoming friends with people from near and far. North American travels have ranged from the polar Arctic tundra in Canada, to California and the Olympic Peninsula; from New England and the Maritimes to Arizona to the Florida swamps including extremely rare ghost orchids. She has also spent many months in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and New Zealand, giving talks, judging, and spending time with other orchid enthusiasts. Conservation of native orchids means conservation of native habitats, a theme that permeates her talks. She continues to serve as Conservation & Education Chair for the New Hampshire Orchid Society, is an accredited American Orchid Society judge, a member of the AOS Species Identification Task Force, on the Board of Orchid Digest, and participates in many annual Native Orchid Conference symposiums and field trips. She enjoys being a member of the Manchester Garden Club. |
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - Earth Friendly Gardening
Snow date: Feb 7 Speaker - Mark Richardson Location: Macomber Room, New Castle Recreation Center Time: Refreshments - 9AM General Meeting - 9:30AM Program - 10AM We’ve all learned to live our lives a little greener in recent decades. From reusable grocery bags to electric cars, many of us take pride in making choices to lead more sustainable lives. Gardening should be no different. Learn about how gardening impacts the environment and how you can be a more earth-friendly gardener. Speaker Bio: Mark Richardson is the director of horticulture at the New England Botanical Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, MA. Mark came from the New England Wild Flower Society where he was horticulture director since 2012. He led all aspects of the Society’s Horticulture and Horticulture Research and Development Departments, including the 45-acre native plant botanical garden, Garden in the Woods in Framingham, and Nasami Farm Native Plant Nursery in Whately. Environmentally-friendly gardening, once considered on the fringe, has surged in interest in the pandemic, according to Mark. “So many people are interested in how they can garden in a more sustainable way,” Richardson, who sits on the Ecological Landscape Alliance's board, said. He added that “people are specifically invested in learning how they can support pollinators, wildlife, and how to garden in a way that's not environmentally damaging”. |
Take a journey through time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, as we examine the horticultural history behind the "Executive Residence". Through images, accounts and diaries, learn about the Presidents, their wives, architects, gardeners, and children who left their mark on the White House grounds. From muddy tidal flats and tobacco fields to grand allées, greenhouses, putting greens, and Victory Gardens, this illustrated presentation will show glimpses of the "President's Park" as it has changed from 1790 to the present.
Speaker Bio: Kevin Bragg is owner of Canterbury Plantation. Kevin managed Murray Farms Greenhouses in Penacook, NH for 13 years, and spent 8 years at D.S. Cole Growers in Loudon, NH. In 2008 he became Coordinator of Historic Gardens and Agriculture at Canterbury Shaker Village. From 2012-2021, he supervised NH Field operations for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, measuring the pulse of agricultural activity in the Granite State. All along, since 1997, he has operated Canterbury Plantation. As a 10th generation Isles of Shoals descendant, with a passion for history and plants, Kevin enjoys exploring the relationships between each and sharing these stories with others. |
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 - Re-Wilding with Native Groundcovers, Shrubs, & Trees: Native Plants, A Sequel
Speaker - Sheila Steele Location: New Castle Recreation Center Macomber Room Time: Refreshments - 9AM General Meeting - 9:30AM Program - 10AM This program builds upon the original Go Native presentation. It will cover an in-depth discussion of specific native plant materials (groundcovers, shrubs, and trees) to teach people how to use specific native plants in these categories in their landscapes. A simple discussion on how to get started with some design ideas will be included. Speaker Bio: Sheila Steele is an Advanced Master Gardener through the University of NH Extension Service with a special interest in all things native in the plant world. She holds an MS degree in science education and has spent much of her life teaching. She is a proud member of the Amherst Garden Club and a volunteer in the Edible Garden Program at the Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club. She loves teaching people about the value of native plants. |
September 7 — Plant Communication: Let’s Listen In!
Location: Macomber Room Time: Refreshments — 9AM General Meeting — 9:30AM Program — 10AM Note to members: Due to Labor Day, the program has been moved to Wednesday. Member’s guests are welcome to attend. Masks are recommended since the space does not accommodate social distancing. Check the website for updates and whether or not a zoom hybrid will be available. Presenter Margery Winters is the Assistant Director and instructor at Roaring Brook Nature Center in Canton CT where she is delighted to be able to share her passion for earth science and nature with students of all ages. Scientists are learning more about how plants communicate with each other. Margery will explain how they get their messages to each other and what they are saying. Fascinating new scientific findings on the battle tactics and alliances between plants, insects and fungi. (Including the discovery of the Wood Wide Web) should make us rethink some of our gardening practices. We hope you can join us! |
October 11 — Go Native! Incorporating Native Plants into Your Landscape
Location: New Castle Congregational Church Parish Hall Time: Refreshments – 6:30PM Program – 7PM Note to members: The New Castle community is invited to this evening program. Masks are recommended since the space does not accommodate social distancing. Check the website for updates and whether or not a zoom hybrid will be available. There will be no general meeting. Presenter Sheila Steele is a retired science educator and a UNH Extension Master Gardener with a passion for native plants. She’ll discuss what native plants are, why they are important to add to existing and new landscapes and where to purchase them. Sheila will show beautiful examples of native plants incorporated into gardens - and even containers. She hopes her presentation will inspire attendees to make small changes in their gardens with native plants. As an added bonus, a lucky participant will receive Sheila’s favorite gardening book as a door prize. We hope you can join us! |
November 1 – Art in Bloom Road Show with a live floral design demonstration
Location: Macomber Room Time: Refreshments — 9AM General Meeting — 9:30AM Program — 10AM Note to members: Guests are welcome to attend. Masks are encouraged since the space does not accommodate social distancing. Check the website for updates and whether or not a zoom hybrid will be available. A colorful PowerPoint presentation depicting behind-the-scenes preparations for Art in Bloom with stunning examples of floral interpretations of MFA art objects is followed by a live floral interpretation of a museum masterpiece by an MFA Senior Associate floral designer. The demonstration will include expert arranging tips. The floral arrangement which will be raffled off to a lucky participant. |
April 4
Growing a Pollinator Garden Presenters: Pam Appleton and Doris Buco Location: TBD Time: Refreshments — 9AM General Meeting — 9:30AM Program — 10AM Insects such as bees and butterflies are helpful, and in some cases, essential, in pollinating many of our food crops such as apples, berries and vegetables. In recent years, there has been a significant decline in the populations of these wild pollinators. Planting patches of flowers, wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and flowering trees with an emphasis on the use of native plants can encourage and support natural pollinators as well as enhance backyard landscapes. Recommendations will be presented on creating a pollinator habitat in your yard. |
Pam Appleton became a Master Gardener in 2021. She loves working in gardens and sharing her enjoyment of all pollinators. Previously, Pam volunteered with the New Hampshire Beekeepers Association as their newsletter editor, often highlighting longtime beekeepers and NH bee-related businesses. In her own garden, Pam loves planting a diversity of pollinator-friendly plants in the hopes of strengthening the native bee populations. Pam looks forward to inspiring all gardeners to incorporate pollinator plants in their landscapes. Doris Buco became a Master Gardener in 2021 after working as an educator for thirty-nine years. She developed a love of gardening from her parents who had extensive flower, herb, and vegetable gardens. Doris has been a member of the Herb Society of America for the past twenty years and is now actively involved in several Master Gardener projects. She continues to expand her gardening knowledge through participation in a variety of Master Gardener learning opportunities and is particularly interested in how to attract pollinators to one’s garden by growing native plants. |
May 2nd No May meeting
Volunteer Training for the Garden Tour will be held Monday May 8th. Details to follow. |
October 5, 2021 9:30am – Tovah Martin – Maximizing Space in the Garden
This will be a zoom meeting. You’ll receive your email invite before the program. Participants will be muted during the presentation and can either type questions into the chat window or verbally ask questions afterwards. A GIGC business meeting will begin directly after the Q&A. Tovah’s presentation will begin at 9:30. The General Meeting will start after the Q&A. This will be a zoom meeting. You’ll receive your email invite before the program. Participants will be muted during the presentation and can either type questions into the chat window or verbally ask questions afterwards. Tovah is a horticulturist, author and lecturer. She’s accredited with NOFA as an Organic Land Care Profession, has published over 4 books and her articles have appeared in publications such as Country Home, Flower Magazine and Yankee. She appears frequently on television and radio – she was a guest on the CBS Sunday Early show, the Martha Stewart Show and the PBS television gardening series “Cultivating Life.” No matter if you’re gardening in a close-knit neighborhood or a sprawling estate, you want to garden efficiently, prolifically, sustainably, and beautifully. Using her own garden as an example, Tovah will describe how to create layers in varied habitats including the perennial, berry, and vegetable gardens. The result is visually fulfilling, low maintenance, and mulch-eliminating when plants go wall-to-wall. This lecture shares how that shakes down to serve our needs as well as the needs of pollinators and other creatures. You can expect to hear many innovative ideas beyond the usual solutions. |
Special Note: Our thoughts and well wishes go out to Bill Graham who had to cancel his presentation due to illness.
November 2, 2021 9:30AM - Jana Milbocker "The Garden Tourist's Northeast" Attention: This is a zoom meeting. Jana’s presentation will begin at 9:30. The General Meeting will start after the Q&A. Jana is the principal of Enchanted Gardens Designs, a lecturer and author. She combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners. Jana loves to visit gardens and historic sites in the U.S. and abroad, and share her trips through her books, photos and blog. She published The Garden Tourist’s New England in 2020. Do you enjoy touring beautiful gardens? Jana will show you the best public gardens, nursery display gardens, and private gardens open to the public in the Northeast to visit for inspiration! Learn about each garden's highlights, ideal times to visit, and enjoy a visual tour of each amazing destination. |
If you have additional questions from our January 4, 2022 Zoom Meeting with Cris Blackstone on “Invasive Plants" her contact information is; [email protected] 603-738-2195 January 4 7-8 pm – Cris Blackstone “Invasive Plants January Meeting is open to the Public. It will be a zoom meeting. |
April 5 – 9AM - John Forti, “The Heirloom Garden: Traditional Plants and Skills for the Modern World”
Location: Macomber Room Attention: As of now, this is scheduled as a hybrid meeting. Social time will be held in the Macomber Room from 9-9:30. The General Meeting (9:30) and John’s presentation (10) be held both live and via zoom. John Forti www.jforti.com is a garden historian and ethnobotanist who has directed gardens for Plimoth Plantation Museum, Strawbery Banke Museum, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and Bedrock Gardens. His preservation work has helped to restore countless native and heirloom plants and has brought traditional artisanal practices to modern thinking. John’s program shares inspiration from our long history of heirloom preservation, garden craft and homestead lifeways. Artisanal lifestyles that are helping us to rebuild vibrant local agricultural economies and celebrate sustainable cottage industries that are contributing to our new, homegrown American arts & crafts movement and backyard environmentalism. At a time when we could all use a little good news, we hope you will join us for a refreshing look at how you can make a difference in your own backyard and community. The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants and Skills for the Modern World: Forti, John: 9781604699937: Amazon.com: Books |